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constituent types中文是什么意思

用"constituent types"造句"constituent types"怎么读"constituent types" in a sentence


  • 类型


  • For lists , xsd . exe creates an array of the constituent type but it converts the default value into an instance of the constituent type , not an array
    )对于列表, xsd . exe创建一个构成类型的数组,但将默认值转换为构成类型的实例,而不是转换为构成类型的数组。
  • When generating source code from an xml schema document , if xsd . exe encounters an element with a list type , it produces a field whose type is the . net framework type corresponding to the list s constituent type , which is the value of the
    当从xml架构文档生成源代码时,如果xsd . exe遇到列表类型的元素,则会生成一个字段,该字段的类型是与列表的构成类型(
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